Is WFC megatron the most evil/cruel version of the character? Considering everything he does accross the high moon games, i think so.
im not gay but i want head from druski
Raw used PC - Director’s Cut
Are huntail and gorebyss the most forgotten gen III pokémon? I feel like nobody remembers them.
You can use this site to get feebas easily!
[iv] a
Imagine getting head from her (most of you will probably not get it cause its from a 2010 cartoon)
[discuss] What's your Opinion on color matching pokeballs for shinies?
Wordington straight guy in question
[iv] Compilation of my latest successful poke radar hunts in Pokemon pearl!
Latest chapter of King chasing the Dream
This is actually really Dark but: PumpkinSpicedPudding mentioned this but Duke is literally King. If he gave in to his double life, gaining an infection, single, no family, sex addict. With his destiny truly being porn. Dark.
Why Poundit Built like Crash Bandicoot ⁉️😭
Freaky king
King spotted in german Train
It's goonover😔
Bro brought back a thickmuthafucka line
The King eating out boy pussy
Duke says he’s been pozzing since he was 14 🤯🤯
[IV] Shiny hall of originarceus on pearl after a month of soft-resetting! IT'S FINALLY OVER😭
Duke is a menace
wordington walter white
[Gen IV] Shiny rat after only 560 RE