Don't see this episode getting the recognition it deserves
[Media] Subaru and his 3 girls
New Top 10 Anime that needs to be dubbed.
Anime Questions, Recommendations, and Discussion - March 05, 2025
What manga have you read this week, and what do you think about it? - Week ending March 02, 2025
[Revenge Episode 6] Why Does Tae Bite Maria's Bun?
[Question] [Silly Songs With Larry] How can Larry see with this hat covering his eyes?
[TOMT] [movie] [1990] A movie about someone drawing bloody cartoon drawings being accused of being dangerous.
[TOMT] Movie or TV show where guy is on a date, and he blurts out loudly that his wife is dead
[TOMT] Search for an old movie
[TOMT] [Anime OST] Cheerful Zombieland Saga Music
[Double Trouble (Season 13)] Why Would Thomas Think He'd Look Silly
The Melancholy of Konata Izumi - Lucky ☆ Star x Haruhi Suzumiya (2009) :3 !!!
Sleepy Kona-chan
Ai-chan is cute
Sir Lowham Hatt is the opposite of Sir Topham Hatt! Now which character is the opposite of Mr. Percival?
[S08E07] Why Does Snowball Not Want To Act Like A Baby
[Revenge Episode 9] Maimai at the Concert
[Chapter 6] Why Can't The Dog Chase After The Cat
[Fan Art] - Cardcaptor Sakura & Friends
Why sakura worried so much because of what ?
pov: yang the rabbit if he was in chibiverse
Should Cherami Leigh Stop Voicing Lines In Pokémon Masters
Your Week in Anime Dubs: What dubbed anime have you been watching, and what do you think of it?