Tribbie, or Not Tribbie? That is Trinnon. - General Question and Discussion Megathread
[via UncleHellGirl][SPOILER] About Castorice
Analysis of the 4 Chrysos Heir Silhouettes
Triggers mask/eye wear changes color depending on emotion
Upcoming banners via Uncle Wrong_Thing
Info on Angels of Delusion (30 characters)
Hyacine Talents, etc (( leak ))
Hyacine Talent info via Luna
I want your HOTTEST takes
Luka Dončić decides to abstain from having cake presented to him by Lakers rookies for his birth day
never thought i’d have a grandpa thing but here we are
How many pulls will you save for Hyacine and what are your pull plans?
Evelynescence - General Questions and Discussion Megathread
This is the new Pokemon Showdown
What stats are good for hyacines relics
Version 3.1 Event Warp: Part I
Castorice’s revive triggering in MoC via Nushen
Change to Basic Attacks via Sakura
Hyacine kit prediction
[HSR - 3.2v1 MOC12-2] E6S5 Therta, E6S5 Anaxa, E6S5 Tribbie, E6S5 Lingsha
Anaxa Animations via Dim
Anyone else delayed as hell?
50$ Giftcard Giveaway to celebrate my upcoming 2D platformer in Steam NextFest: "The Little Pixel That Could"