PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread - Battle Academia Kayn
how to pick up battle academia qiyana:
Babygirl's new icon
Will you buy the new mythic skin? Why or why not?
Leaker BigBadBear says Elementalist Hwei might potentially be on PBE this week (ik the first pic says Qiyana scroll for more info)
If Odysseus was allowed to drop one f bomb which song would he drop it during?
Need help building a pc!
Have been in my feelings about QiYasuo lately (art belongs to me)
hey girlies! i was wondering, is there any song that you're obsessed these days?
Introducing You To My Ship
How would you rank these three Peele films from best to worst?
The moment of truth fellow winions! This is bound to be controversial, but what is your favourite animatic for these three songs?
Totally unexpected
What part of lore do you wish Riot animated or wrote more about?
The true blessing
Which director’s triple threat do you enjoy more?
How did Lishu's servants get away with harassment?
Pick three and the other three disappear forever! What are you choosing?
most fucked up lyric
Chronos since the last update dropped (portrait by LincolnTheMop)
Wisdom Tooth Cutting Into Cheek
sorry guys i can never defend her
Who is your CONFRONT character
Where would you put the F bomb in the entire epic saga?
Has there ever been a point where you are on the side of the killer