Y’know… this art is epic, but I think this fight would be over in the next… two seconds
If you were to ship our boi Shen with someone, who would it be?
Syndra & Zed by Piscina!
Star Guardian Viktor
A bit unfortunate....
Shen is so bad this season ngl.. BUT WHY
Make learned raid plans tradable.
To people saying NIKKE's depiction of humanity is unrealistic...
More depression and reasons to hate humanity……hooray…..
The raid has greatly changed the economy of the game, huh
Is there any Nikke you use that you know is mid or bad competitively just because you like them? For me it's Rupee. I often opt to put her on the team, even when I could just put Crown or Naga, because Rupee is my favorite character. But what about you? Do you do this with any character?
Which out of these Champions compliments Shen?
Bethesda - Please link very desirable rewards to fun activities! Getting the new Gatling Plasma plans is just not fun
I lost in a 4v1 PvP. (I am that 4)
I'm ready for this... wait where's my backpack
Is there any character similar to Shen but from any other video game?
Question about Heartsteel and low elo
How tf are you guys finding good raid groups?!
One day, during the Crown event, a young man started playing NIKKE for the first time. As he looked through the NIKKEpedia, he found a character he really liked. And now, 6 months later-
I can't download the game. I tried everything.
I have become what I hate
To lower level players who want to run Raids: Don't bring a pistol.