This handloop is astonishingly consistent
63 Turns!? Melffy Vs Ojama
Need help removing a block through console
Builds ( Anything Goes )
I have an En Passant joke but i have to google it first
I have a chemistry joke but it just spontaneously combusted
Question about archetypes relating to magic colors.
1.7.10 mod recommendations?
Times percussive maintenance has worked for you
Is there any mod that can... imitate GUI/player actions and interactions?
worst decks you spent too many URs on?
a counter for fiendsmith
Oh look, a new toy for the war criminals
Last seven games, what are the chances?
Will there truly ever be a card that looks as cool as this
What is an engine you HATE running/refuse to run?
Pokemon Champions Prep?
AE2 vs. Create 6.0.0
Haven't played in years. What alternatives to a Golden Lasso can I find on 1.20.1?
I love alt win conditions. Do you think alt win cons are fair? Should they be viable? So far I've won with Exodia, Final Countdown, and now Destiny Board. What should I play next?
how did the player sir issac newton just invent gravity how is that even allowed
If you use the 🤓 emoji to "win" arguments...
What archetype or cards are not in the game right now that you are waiting for?
had a dream where i couldnt get a picture to update my passport because China invented new cheap form of labor: they could clone a human and their knowledge and memories into a sheep but i dont think it works
I tried to reflow my RAM but now my PC won’t boot and my lungs hurt. What could be the issue?