“Some BW would rather rule over Hell, than serve in Heaven”
Places Women Refuse to go on a First Date
Y'all, I need a sister circle!
Men we need to exercise !!
What are some of yall brothers careers
What makes you think a matriarch wouldn’t work?
Which Is Best Final Mission Of Series In Your Opinion?
Who remembers Tenchi Muyo
I need advice on a Sigma Lens to get.
Keep it up✊🏾
This is hard to watch
Brazil is racist as hell(plus weird af).
I wouldn’t mind dating a Himbo
Dating pool and depression
Does colorism affect men?
Do yall do dating apps?
What is the first game that comes to mind
What’s something that automatically makes you lose respect for your fellow man?
Peep game: got stood up for the second time this week
got stood up for the second time this week
When and how did the Koreans take over the black hair market?
Should I get a prenup?
List your red flags and why?
There No True Black Male Only Spaces
I don’t wanna talk to my friend about weight… PCOS sucks
Why are folks upset over the immigration issue?