i finally have my dream PC, but at what cost...
Eestis ei pesta käsi
Are ya winning, son?
People who service Combine Technology, what was the weirdest reason it broke?
I like to order my apps on my phone in a weird way
Is it normal that the games need administrator?
Mis on Eesti kõige lähemad sama ühistranspordi liini peatused? Tallinnas tramm Lubjast Bussijaama 160 meetrit.
Best Booba Size?
Haven't had one since 2014, Definitely should have returned sooner. What are some things I should know or look into getting accessory wise?
The "ultra" progression in 5 years comparison
What song is playing? (wrong answers only)
Tell me your favourite computer game
Tegin lastele esimesel elunädalal kogumiskontod - 5a ja 3a
You're going for a stroll in the sewers and this guy tries to mug you, what do you do? (Oblivion dialogue answers only)
"mediamrkt is just as good"
What is your experience porting your engine to each platform?
Stalker 2 ddl already avalible on gamedrive
chat am I cooked. 😭
Eestis on väga okeid soodushinnad …
Firefox hits 20. Is it still relevant?
How hard is porting to Windows in 2024
Märkasin Tallinnas Mustamäel rebast