North Star Radio - Ethan Klein Sends Harassment to Random Leftist on Instagram
This is not normal behavior.
He’s never beating the genocide apologist allegations
Anthony Fantano talking about Ethan
Every time Ethan has talked about Frogan; compilation
Phillip DeFranco vid discusses H3/Twitch Drama
Interesting read in light of the recent behavior – Streamer’s apology for racist rant exposes the rot in streaming culture
Losing my respect for Dan
amongst Ethan's continued defense of Israel, I wanted to point out Al Jazeera published a doc yesterday (that keeps getting suppressed) about the war crimes committed in Palestine
BadEmpanada - Ethan Klein Loves George W. Bush
Hila Klein's IDF Crimes: Way Worse Than She & Ethan Now Admit
"you have to be mentally ill to set yourself on fire"