If you could change a character teamup who would it be? Mine would be THING and Groot. A rock and tree combo would've been nice
Do you guys find it odd that Rocket’s ability could revive someone with full health, give out armor packs, jump packs etc But the person who’s known for reviving people (Adam) can’t do it as good as him or better or am i tripping?
If you could change a character ULT who would it be? I would change fantastic ult allowing him to wrap 1 or several enemies at once since he's known for that. That ULT will squeeze the enemies causing damage. What character ULT would you change or make better????
why not mozzie
Is There a Good Argument for an American James Bond?
Do you guys think they should add Falcon?
I have a question. They say im Marvel subs top poster is that true? 🤔
In your opinion whos a better tank. Hulk or Venom?
Which character do you think is the most useless character? 🤔
If you could pick 3 most annoying characters who would it be? Mine is Moon, Magik and Jeff
What character do you think should have more of an impact ability wise or ult wise?
In your opinion who has the worst teamup?
I have a question to all rival players. Do you think Torch ult has the worst ult? They say black widow has the worst ult if that's true, does torch has the second worst ult?
For all of you tank players, I have a question. What are some of the things that healers do and don't do that irritate you?
Question to all the healers. What frustrates you the most that tank players do?
I have a question to all the lovely healers. Why do you guys act like DPS? Is it because the DPS on your team is terrible so you need to take charge? What's making you guys act like DPS? 🤔
I have a question for the duelist players not Black panther, ironfist, Wolverine or Magik but the duelist characters that could shoot. Why are you guys so afraid to shoot peni trap?
Question to all the Tank players which of these two frustrates you the most. 1: You're the only player in the objective while your team is shooting from a distance (Wtf are yall doing capture the objective with me) or 2: None of your teammates aren't taking out Spiderman he's killing yall
Which of these two frustrates you the most. 1: Insta lock or 2: Strange players not using the shield to protect his team
Who is the best Duelist in your opinion?
How do you guys feel about Torch and his ult? Is Torch better than all the characters that could fly? And what would you rate his ult? Bad, good or great?
How do you guys feel about THE THING ult and what would you rate it? Bad, good, or great 👍
Who is the best vanguard in your opinion?
I think the reboot should go on Netflix what do you think?