The Comp 3 stack with friends experience
DAE swarners drip?
Fighting for my damn life😭 where was my team???
Fanbase gets their name wrong on purpose (fictional characters accepted)
While I'm waiting for the haters, wanna help me fix my top?
Pilot and mecha: Hagohima Goden and Knightly 0-1
Environmental Storytelling
Hagohime Goden, and her mech, Knightly 0-1!
Knightly 0-1 and it’s pilot, Hagohime Goden! ( By me!! )
The Expert Nether Experience
[Fem V] While I'm waiting for the haters, wanna help me fix my top?
Freaky invisible man gets a facefull of .50 cal
A simple look for Swarmers
Another regularly-breasted female character for your consideration
Would you show this wacky mad scientist your OCs??
Tunnel vision final boss
Tell me your character’s ‘most likely to’ traits and mine will decide if they pass their vibe check.
Favorite character(s) who would fit the role of (main) The Heavy.
Palindrome isn’t as bad as others make it out to be
what does your guardian look like and what do they eat?
The fuck out my face man😭
New Palindrome Adept - PVP experience so far
[Fem V] Utilizing technological advancements to fill that void in the heart. Doesn't get any more Cyberpunk than that
Red Jacket
Favorite character that is the complete opposite of a “hear me out”