Is this common in Non-Profit?
12 hour days? How does public do it?
New Pen Day turned into tragedy
Can you still buy and own things in socialism? I'm wondering because I have a lot of things I want for myself, and I'm not sure if that's how it works in socialism
MacGregor Mathers' "Ancient Mode of Reading the Tarot"
One of us really needs to go home and change
Consumer Blackouts
Question about Xenos “Dwell” culture
Natal Moon Reading--No idea
I’m looking for something to encourage practicing with the phase of the moon & astrology
I recently finished converting to Judaism and treated myself to my most exciting NPD yet!
Is this really how Nancy Reagan signed her name?
do you read the reversed cards or not?
The hierophant
Ive never gotten a good reading
Terra Volatile, the Five Suits, and the Court Cards
Is this way to read the cards wrong?
Carrying a card for inspiration
would it be weird/bad/wrong to give someone a single tarot card as a gift to remind them of a reading?
My first deck! Tarot of the Divine
Is there a “true” 1/2 inch size?
Second opinion on spread
Ex-presidents’ silence on Trump dismays some Democrats
Adjustment Card in Yes or No spread