crazy saber populations 😭
Some WEIRD bios I found... 😭
WolfQuest Saga Now Released!
how to tell of a mate personality
Broooo tysm Ecos, But you should really give the horses some skins XD
Found out Smilos have an animation after investigating another members scent
Scatterbrained ideas
Speculating on the Inevitable Short-faced Bear
Wich type of animals would you like to see in ecos la brea?
Screw Sabers.
After 1 hour I was able to capture this Leucistic Peccary.
How to make packmates goes on hunting and mark territory alone?
What People Need To Remember About Pups In The Saga
Befriending A Fox
which animal would you want playable
other animals being able to hunt
Wolves not dispersing w siblings. Have any of yours?
What's up with people not actually wanting to PLAY the game...?
worst den predetor?
Wolf quest getting boring and repetetive?
Worst den predator?
Anyone seen this before?
whats ur least favorite prey or predator?
questions about pups & dispersals
What are your thoughts on the Monster Dimension?