Hypoallergenic formula… is it forever?
Is this a scam?? I haven’t travel on the pa turnpike in like two years and I’m pretty sure I paid up with them
Is asking for a specific script bad?
Advice switching out from kendamil organic.
38 weeks and feeling…nothing
Ftm, is he tolerating well?
New mom here!
Digital pathology.
What is your perfect lab?
Thinking of switching careers to histology but now I don’t know if I can.
I got fired on my day off,
Do you regret your abortion? What made you decide?
Kelly has been diagnosed with breast cancer
What’s the worst thing a coworker has done to piss you off?
Jojo siwa?
Has anyone gotten rich in this field?
S.O.S. Had regular maintenance done on microtome and now it won't ribbon. All of the angles are the same as far as I can tell, and it still lines up with my blocks from yesterday. Could the stage part have been tightened maybe?
What is going on!!?
Sectioning between levels
Pregnant at work!
BILs sent gun to my husband as a "new dad gift" and I am livid
Contact Dermatitis from Xylene Vapors?
Narcissists hate people with a personality
Seeking Students and techs at all levels
New Toy