I found the what i call: "Ender dragon egg room"
Which song is your favorite amnesia or sleep well
Who is this? (Wrong answers only).
So, im new to Pressure and I never seen this, is this common?
Some cool things i found (its not endless)
Rare rooms + rare entity (all in ONE RUN)
Thats why you should Always loot the infirmary
What does the guiding candle do?
Question. How rare is too find crucifix before door 50 ?
Soo i Just got NFS, what should i do next? Hotel Hell, See you soon or A-1000?
Can you still do the Candy badges with the Trick or Treat modifier?
I though It was harder
The 100 revives experience
Figure animation BUGGED and i Just got insta-killed :(
Both easy
First try
Bro what did he do😭💀
HUGE room behind door with vines 😲
Soo halt at room 11 and ambush spawned 2-3 times
It was the second run of the day
Which ghost-moving entity would win in a free for all, only one comes out on top.
They were easier then i though
Who are these two guys?
Room entirelly filled with abstract arts