Anyone here a fan of I Won’t Sleep with you for Free?
Was there ever any explanation on how he was able to resist her rope here?
Blue Hair Anime Waifus
I want to write so bad - I have it ready in my head , I just can’t do it
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Hoe hebben jullie je partner ontmoet?
What am I getting out of these?
Is this figure canon? (I haven't read the light novels, and i was curious is this a moment in them)
Is strepen in de lucht nu een ding of niet
Is het lastig om zelf een baantje in Australië te vinden ?
What’s something you dislike about the series?
My waifu tier list (this is if they were real and not them as characters)
Zijn jullie voor troepen naar Oekraïne?
Just finished my Reread in 5 days. Here's the good and bad from each book:
My first shundo everrrrr!! Including background 😍😍
What is the anime that made you fall in love with anime?
Does Gojo have a Maximum technique?
HELL YEAH, an anime adaptation
I could actually scream if I could, but I'm at work. Lol
If you can beat or draw Ron passant bot you are better than you think, saying this as a 1500
Very wholesome indeed.
Out of all the manga you’ve read what would be your favourite?
Shundo w/ background
Your Isekai Jobs
I have never watched one piece, but ask me anything about it and i'll try to answer it the best i can