Have you seen the dancing cow that hides from _____ people?
I just found the most adorable jumping spider, what should I name it?
Say Yah-Hess 10 times fast
Do you like kids?
should there be a world wide ban on pineapple being put on pizza?
how to commit ___
What is love?
All my frequently asked questions are answered by the FAQ.
Are you Spider-Man?
Is a watermelon just a fat cucumber?
Do you have a favorite word that starts with y
Why don't people have near death experience that are NOT congruent with their culture?
Could you guys please not downvote this?
My boyfriend sends me “cute“ videos of baby’s, trying to convince me to want children in the future
Do you like beer?
Can I get rid of my middle name when I get married?
Do you Kick Ass & Chew Bubblegum?
Are we allowed to say The Y word in a diffrent langauge?
Do you exist?
Are video games for nerds?
can you fly?
are you afraid of the dark?
Do you need to be happy?