Haley and Andy
How it feels being a fan of whatever couple they put in front of me each season
Jacob & Morton
Is it weird for kids to have ethnic names if the parent themselves doesn’t have an ethnic name?
Benedict finds out about Sophie ?
Women hosts this season
Cesily Collette Taylor having a blast at an Oscar’s after-party, with bonus Karis Musungole watching. 💃🏾
Flip-a-Scene - The Epilogue
Do you understand why the writers of the show were so obsessed with Dylan?
When Baboon goes to a drag show
Describe any words about Haley Dunphy
I hope we get to see Janine and Gregory as parents eventually
Janine and Gregory
Apologies to the Bridgeton family
Anybody else a little upset Benedict didn't have more time to be experimenting with men before his season?
OITNB underrated quotes
The Bear is not a comedy
AITA For telling my sister in law she can't be around her niece
Which of these three is more obsessed with their best friend(s)?
Struggling to find a female nature inspired name with an older generation vibe.
Need good shows with no cheating!!
Does anyone pause the show just to laugh?
4 year old singing wrong lyrics
Haley’s ending relationship