Yo guys, wich stand would be better at babysitting a child and what Joestar would also be the best for it?
Guess what country I'm from
Your Jonathan what do you do first
It took 72 attempts for me to beat v2
weird kid bingo
Fill out the bingo!
my English teacher said "hate" two times 😭😭😭😭😭bro thinks he AM 💀
Is ultrakill a religious game? (Pic unrelated)
Seems fair
Am I attractive?
Funny thing
Why doesnt Ukraine just take back their land? are they stupid or something?
Heyhey, it's LidlyArts (person who's making the "Adapting To Adoption" comic)! I've already posted this on Twitter but since this subreddit is also actively involved and not all of you have Twitter, I'm gonna ask here as well... (read body text)
Do universities and jobs check your long term browsing history?
Best movies to watch with the boys?
bro im tired (pic unrelated)
Go on.
Happy rare disease day!!!
Guys is my room cool
Why is there so many lgbt people here?
As a straight male, what the fuck guys?
A comic that will make you cry