Well Jenelle I see you smoking a reffaa with your kids nowhere to be found!
What are some wild teen mom rumors?
Have you any positive opinions of Henry VIII?
What's your, 'I'll die on this hill' opinion about the show? I'll start, towards the end I found Jim's side less engaging and didn't look forward to them as much
Where did Belle go?
What is this show really about?
Has anyone here considered ozempic?
Belle had to invent cancer as she had no other USP
More stories about what Belle was like pre-cancer/Whole Pantry scam
Dr Phil
What is your 'I do not care for the God Father' Teen Mom opinion?
What’s a fan theory you’ve made up with no proof you choose to believe?
People are saying how much she sticks out like a sore thumb 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
What is your teen mom conspiracy theory, or one that you heard?
Amber Portwood Defends Her Decision to Lie About Possibly Being Pregnant to Get Out of Filming for ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter’
He needs to just stop 🤦♀️
Every UK traitor ranked
The amount of men these girls have had around their children is scary
The “real” winners (spoilers)
Where Charlotte went wrong
Things I wonder about the momses.
Time for a new soulmate! Let’s discuss our predictions of the personality, “accomplishments”, and “qualities” soulmate #785 will possess.
Does Charlotte actually sound Welsh to anyone?
Fluffy dressing gown paired with red lingerie and Jenelle is ready to talk.