So, they can talk in the painting
Pun chart my teacher has in my classroom.
Got her, Now what?
Am I the only one who noticed this
Has anyone else noticed this?
It's not that hard
[SP] You starve quickly, blood is the only way to satiate your hunger, you fear death.
I made the house from Pixar's UP in Tiny Glade
Are the none-english languages the characters spoken accurate?
On Dire Trip's recent video about 2 wannabe school shooters, one of them etches a familiar symbol among.. less than desirable ones.
My grandma is a loli, she's short and flat
Bat-Man, the wrong origin version
What are some of your biggest regrets in this game?
How each merc would fair as a hitman
Reverse characters explained by my sister (She barely knows anything about the game). Everything written not in a parenthesis is quoted directly.
Marcus, Heinrich, and Isolde by @SU_CHUYV on Twitter
[Euphoria] Which character is best to start with? Which one are you guys picking?
Friendly PSA that these item/events/shops will end in < 24 hours, make sure you've cleared up everything!
Spanish Colonial architecture in the Philippines
Let's adopt her into zenless please 😂
Spies when they enter the 2fort intel room
【Bespoke Expired reminder】The Bespoke will disappear soon!!