Is it just me or is there more cosmetic clipping than usual, especially on clothes that were fine before?
What is your dbd hot take?
Got a new rattie, how old he really is?
When it's a Wraith match
Was this always a thing? Because I haaaate it
Caption This 😎
Why does Wesker's running animation looks SO goofy 😭
Did I mess up? - Raid
Paypal donation scam attempt? I got a very large dono off stream
Why is this allowed? Genuine question.
2v8 extended so i gotta deal with sweats every game
2v8 Extension News!
How high are the devs? Yes.
It’s been over 6 months since Draculas introduction into the fog, what are your thoughts about him?
Which Separate Ways?
Anyone else feel like the playerbase demolishes the game? The second you lose you get taunted and abuse but the second you win you still get abuse.
Finished every game, what now?
New to the game what are your thoughts on huntress?
This design is incredibly underrated and is the best design the character has ever had imo
Mas finally confirms the Tokyo ghoul leaks
You guys don't mind letting me through, right?
Y’all I need names ASAP
Do you think Micah's skills might have gotten rusty by the epilogue?
Old build, new theme!
Name a more iconic duo