10 days away from being 3 yrs clean
Do I pass? honestly
meet my son greetle mcbonbon
I kinda just remembered this happened (it's been like 2 years) and i need to vent TW for child abuse/murder
Type Coke OK with your sight organ closed.
Do you let your pets near your plushies?
The Feel Bar has opened. Tell us what's bothering you?
not my best
Which mitski song do you connect the most with?
Any songs about sh?
2y 9m 26d days clean, I need a reason to hold on
im done. there's no point
if Trump wins out I'm out
prompt was to write from another creatures perspective
Medications that have helped people?
Thinking about buying it for pc even though I already have it on mobile, is it worth it?
anyone want to add me as a friend?
Help! Which bed?
about to be admitted to a center on Monday
Seriously questioning, please give advice
Any calming mobile game suggestions?
Please give me a reason to not relapse
I'm too much of a coward to cut myself.
on Monday I'm admitted to being an eating disorder clinic. I'm so scared about it I'm willing to end it as opposed to going
Im ready to throw away almost 3 years of being clean