Happy birthday, Mymy!
Heyhey, it's LidlyArts (person who's making the "Adapting To Adoption" comic)! I've already posted this on Twitter but since this subreddit is also actively involved and not all of you have Twitter, I'm gonna ask here as well... (read body text)
The Q&A documents have been posted!
first page of the comic made by lidlyart (go support her out)
"Adapting to Adoption" comic by LidlyArts, part 3
I fixed the hair (credit to LidlyArts)
New comic being made by Lydly arts (artist who helped Massa with a project btw)
Lidly's Q&A about her comic
Young adult Mymy (credit to LidyArts)
Current collection
Miku tattoo I got done today! (from Once Upon A Me)
Miku tattoo I got done today (from Once Upon A Me)
Please help me choose the best one. I Made evangelion Art
My Asuka cosplay
Can anyone who speaks Dutch explain what's going on in this video? It's about old Massacord drama.
What makes Ongezellig unique?
The Ongezellig iceberg chart, by me. Kind of a mess but I think it does the job