The true issue with modern Yugioh
As a visually impaired player, these new ground effects are the most significant accessibility improvement I've seen in 20 years of playing wow—aside from addons.
An ignorant innovation against the current meta
We need more dark magician support
What do the new ABC/XYZ cards even do?
My ranked experience for the past month
Honest question what’s your keybind for your kick?
Any good Warrior decks to make?
What’s a deck you’ve considered building but is WAY too expensive for something that’s not meta currently?
How much would it hurt Fiendsmith to lose Lurrie? He’s a free discard and light/fiend body. Potential ban after DC cup?
Can someone help me with removing some cards (no flame again)
Why TCG use the artifact cards
I remain convinced 60 card decks have the divine mandate
So happy to play more than 2 turns in 2004 throwback
Seagull mount
All I did was draw. Am I just a bitter amateur or is this unfair?
Do Y'all Think that Blizz Will Eventually Phase Out Tank/Healer specs?
I net-decked my deck for next season. Will I finally get out of plat with this?
How do I get a affordable de fleur counter I looked on google and can’t find onr
Switching to retail from classic with my GF for more casual play, right move?
What can I add as a plan B to this deck in case exodia is destroyed or smthn
All the waifubait and gooner cards are a detriment to the game's growth and development.
I had fun with Gimmick Puppet OTK deck this season.
How come only Elves can become Demon Hunters?