[The Garfield show]
What was the first 3D Sonic game that you played?
Which character deserves their own spinoff game and what would that game be? (No Shadow)
What made you get into the sonic series?
Let's be real, out of these characters; who'd run the better podcast?
If they ever decide to make another modern Classic Sonic game, what would you like to see from it?
No Chaos Emeralds? Resort to quickscoping then.
The view inside a local ToysRUs
Alright, what’s your reaction to the next Death Battle?
Sonic Clash! My Idea for a Sonic Fighting Game
Day 10: Clash Of Myth | Mythology Hero Shooter | Theme: Female Reps! (Rules In Comments)
If Death Battle ever did another Battle Royale episode, what matchup would you want it to be?
What movies would make good musicals?
What movies would make goos musicals?
I'll be honest I'm not even gonna blame John in this cast because explaining Homestuck really gets like that.
[Thru the Mirror]
this image goes hard feel free to screenshot
The Ultimate Sonic Tier List Day 1: Where would you rank the original Sonic the Hedgehog. Top comment is where it goes.
Compilation of Tangle silly faces from the IDW comics.
I'm going to be making an Ultimate Community Sonic Tier List, an I need your input. I already put down all of the mainline games, but I want you guys to choose 6 other Sonic games for me to put on here. Top 6 will get in.
What is your LEAST favourite quote from any character?
I'm thinking about getting one of these games on steam, which would you reccomend?
Go ahead. Say it: