Who is the most forgotten villian in your opinion
School recently banned phones and these are the questions students asked
My teacher is accusing me of using AI
What is your million dollar Ninjago idea?
Why do the Dursleys antagonise Harry when he could do anything to them if he snapped
If Voldemorts child was at Hogwarts
The casting news I’m most excited for
Who would win? [READ DESC]
You know, instead of giving him crap, I'd personally be a lot more grateful for Barry's decision to cure KS if a giant shark man was less than a second away biting off my entire upper half
Parvati stands up to Probst’s comments on female Survivor players
Really hoping for Thunderfang to point out Lloyds Oni side.
Pick one villain to add to the crystal council
I checked bluesky today and guess who was suspended
why do honor roll students think C's are a failing grade?
Weird math teacher
GPT-4.5 will just invent concepts mid-conversation
It is 1939 and the Nazis just got one laptop with an access to the internet. Can they win the war?
If you woke up with all of supermans powers what is the first thing you would do?
Who would win in a fight?
Hypothetically, if you were a jury member on a season of your choice, which non winner would you advocate for over the winner?
What would you want from an MCU Spider-Man and Fantastic Four Team up Movie?
If Doomsday takes after the beginning of Infinity war what heavy hitter would you like to see Doom beat to show off his power?
What is Cole doing to Zane? (Wrong answers only)
How do I get to that island? Im at Fossil Falls
Was this video stolen from someone in this subreddit or did they actually create this concept video?