This one feels like even the parents were smirking when they decided on it
Pregnancy and epilepsy
Satin recommendations please
Why don't dogs use their front paw to scratch their other front paw?
Hoe hebben jullie je partner ontmoet?
Klaagdraadje! Waar zitten jullie mee vandaag?
His name is Richard, he’s made from super sculpty doll clay!
My recent creations!
Why do some people immediately think it’s fake?
Can I have magic mushrooms while being myoclonic epileptic?
Aitah if I divorce my husband for not wiping his butt?
What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever heard another person say, that they were 100% serious about?
Feels like I dodged a bullet here
Vyvanse side effects
Went on a few dates, let her know my interest, then this happened
Need Help! Kitten Thrown Out of a Window—Now Safe in My Care But Scared
Just because others have it "worse" doesn't invalidate your problems
What’s a small thing that instantly makes your day better?
Do you ever regret owning a dog?
Vyvanse and sleep
People with deep dimples, have you ever tilt your face horizontally and put water in your dimple to see if it will contain?
Nice Girl or Bipolar Disorder
Filled out some paperwork for a student yesterday, and she said I had popular girl handwriting. I am in fact a big & bearded 33 year old man.
I wonder if other logs feel betrayed by the one that is used to poke the others better on flames