You know bro is pure evil when Deku straight up killed him and had 0 remorse
What is everyone’s best round?
New to the group!
It’s only a HP change but still
These two would not like each other
No 4* for me 😅
Kendo the new meta character
Guys Is It True?.. Can We.. Finally Play The Game?
As the birthday Boy, here are my demands for byking to add
Pokemon Games But I like Pokemon
How would you describe your attraction to dudes? (As a queer guy)
What are y’all’s favorite albums
How to stop being a twink, I don't like it...
How do I actually Mount Lady instead of me just winging it and it working
For all the invincible fans
hot take: homophobia and biphobia from women is more of a issue than homophobia and biphobia from men
Full Bullet vs. Ice Fang Wind Flame
Hey, guess what?
What's your favorite food? I'll start
Straight people is hilarious
Give shoto a new hero name!
How would you Nerf (Or Buff if you're a Psycho) Strike Dabi?
We really need these skins in the game (season 7 spoilers)
Give me new music artists to listen to