Sorry if this has been discussed before, but QuiGon screwed everyone, right?
Zelenskyy saying that if Trump withdraws from NATO, Putin will destroy Europe. Ukraine has the biggest army in Europe, the 2nd is France with an army four times smaller than Ukriane. Do the math.
UK PM apologizes to Baltics after Ukraine summit exclusion
What does this have to do with royalism?
y dicen que no deberiamos tener una segunda enmienda, (o un articulo 10 de la constitución que no sea un chiste)
A quien más le toco vivirlo?
Who would win this war?
Is it possible to read this book?
This is how you do it!
Google’s Unannounced Update Scans All Your Photos—One Click Stops It
¿Esto es algo demasiado grave o solo me toma demasiado por sorpresa?
Que harías si te enteras que tu taqueria favorita hace los tacos de perro?
Describe this couple poorly
to not provoke WW3
El día de hoy pasará a la historia como el momento en que un impresentable, con su mono de feria, le hicieron una encerrona a un presidente que lucha contra la mayor amenaza que asola Europa...
Si en México fuera tan fácil adquirir armas de fuego como Estados Unidos, ¿Adquiririas una?
You're locked in a house for 1 year with no internet. You get a PC with 3 single player story driven games. What 3 games are you choosing?
Si tuvieras la DeathNote, quien seria tu primera víctima?
What would your command word be?
[KCD2] Did anybody ever noticed that Henry has six toes when looking at him in the inventory?
Eestis ei pesta käsi
What would you do if you found this in your tuna?
Map of the United States if all of Trump's proposals came true
Estonia bringing Ai to schools. Yay or nay?
Am I insane, or does the cotton slime look like it'd taste good?