What show do you wish you could binge for the first time again?
What is your favorite holiday?
I don't care how old are you. Give me your best life advices to make me a better version of myself.
What is the best fiction novel you ever read?
If you needed to legally make an extra 10k in only a couple months how would you do it?
You wake up with the ability to master any skill instantly. What skill do you choose?
Looking for some good detective shows that are free
What's one movie that doesn't matter how many times you watch it, you still can't get bored of it ?
What turns you on?
You can only pick one. What are you picking Grilled Cheese or PB&J?
What's the most boring thing about you?
Is this a scam?? I haven’t travel on the pa turnpike in like two years and I’m pretty sure I paid up with them
What is the stupidest movie you have ever seen?
f aliens visited Earth and asked for our worst invention, what would you give them?
Who is your idol?
What’s a food you’ll never get tired of?
What are your biggest pet peeves?
What fucked you up?
Why do you still use Twitter?
Pizza or Pho, which is tastier?
What do you do after sex?
What did you dream about last night?
the titty drop to end all titty drops
First post hello!
How do you cope when you’re feeling sad or depressed?