Lesbian or little boy?!
Adam for biggest troublemaker, now who’s got the growth? Most personal growth from start to present day. Can be anyone TM related past or present (kids on positive categories ONLY no exceptions). Once on the board they’re ineligible elsewhere!
Teresa ended up most votes for best mom. A lottt of people said names that were already on the board so they couldn’t be counted. Please take note that once they’re up, they’re unable to be voted again! Now who’s the best dad?
Catelynn Baltierra LIVE on TikTok: misrepresented several time that "adoption is not legally binding"
The people have spoken: Kristina voted fan favorite! Now who’s most attractive? Can be anyone TM related, past or present (except no kids on this one). Once they’re up, they can’t be voted again! 1 vote per person, 1 category per post, please! 🫶
How can someone sound this high and condescending at the same time? Jenelle claims she was not on a date last night and that the hatters are asses.
Nathan: No one understands our love. You are just jealous that you don’t have a girl who gets upset if you don’t cuddle with her all night.
Sorry Girly but you must be her target audience to manipulate: the dumb. Meeting her for 5 seconds doesn’t show you her personality and she’s also not a celebrity lollll
Chris’ response to the texts between him and Kail
I'm back! Help me choose which dress.. (I have both) for my cousins wedding.
C&T discuss bringing more not-Carly's into this mess.
Ryan on how dad’s can do what mom’s cannot…or something
Ryan Edwards Claims to Have $18k in Credit Card Debt Despite Pulling in $35k Per Episode of ‘Teen Mom’ He Appears In
Ty & Cate Podcast
I think I would simply cease to exist if I was mid 30s and all I had left to do is **try** to humorously remind people of how terrible I have always been at parenting
You wanted a Jenellphabet, you got it!
Riverside "Not My President's Day"
Nathan’s new soulmate posted this. Girl, isn’t he still married to May?! Husband’s girl? They’ve been together for two months tops. 🤦♀️ Yikes.
Is business slow for anyone else?
Correction: You are physically and mentally exhausting. 🥱
Nathan and his gf may be breaking up…true love is dead
Amber thinks it is normal to lie about being pregnant to get out of working/filming.
Jenelle’s latest dumbass tweets…
From The Ashley: Girlfriend of Jenelle Evans’ Ex August Keen Files Police Report After ‘Teen Mom’ Star Admits to Throwing Away Her Mail
H is for “High, High ya both high!” I is for?