Kommt mal her Mädchen, Papa zeigt euch wie man ein Beta neutralen Hedge für einen Lerverage Pair Trade baut.
Languages of the German States, 2025
This sub made me do something
Führerreich'ed TNO nrp Day 3 (1964)
Comments Decide WW1 Peace Treaty Day 2
The Struggles Of Freedom (1953)
The storm nrp - day five (sorry for delay)
Warum gibt es keine Online-Gegenbewegung zu den extrem rechten Strömungen?
Die Schilder haben es mir angetan 🥹🪧
Ich kaufe einigen die Beileidsbekundungen wirklich nicht ab
Soviet soldiers sexually harass a German woman in Leipzig, Soviet occupied East Germany, August 1945
Progressives when grandpa explains that he wouldn’t have been on their side
"We want to go home to the Reich" Ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche) in Danzig protest for the Free City of Danzig to be reunited with Germany, June 1939
Kaiserreich RP - day 2 - "Aftermath of Black Monday"
Germans. The time has come.
The world in 1977 (details and context in comments)
Comments Decide WW1 Peace Treaty Day 1.
American taxpayers shouldnt fund foreign wars, until they should
The demographics change is crazy
May future generations learn from lib-lefts mistakes
Warum sind wir so Anti China ?
Treaty of Berlin Day 2, Western Europe (What If the Central Powers Won WW1)
To the Spaniard who was poking fun of our British Sikh community. Sikhs fought and died alongside us in both world wars and as a community deserve respect. A far more honourable performance than Spain in both wars.
Hey guys I guess this is a hate sub now