Our automist is screwed up(USA)
recommend me ur favorite old emo songs and ill rate
Going through withdrawal is no laughing matter
Been really obsessed with this album recently and today I got a cd of it!
These are the same album and you can’t convince me otherwise
Just gna leave this here lol
Out of all your CDS, which one means the most to you?
Would you consider empire empire (I was an lonely estate) midwest emo?
What’s your favorite emo band that hasn’t had any “allegations” yet?
Rate My Tik Tok Emo Playlist
Real emo?
FFO: Title Fight, The Juliana Theory, Deftones, Far,
Which 3 of my alt rock CDs would you spin?
This my pals is REAL EMO
S/T by PersonPlaceThing
lets all remember the greatest emo band of all time
Which of us has the best music taste?
What is your white whale cd?
Thoughts on the Pillars?
Worst Album in your collection?
Please somebody
marietta's discography is amazing
SoftCore Porn Suggestions on Instagram
Is being a partygoer that bad?