Should I give up if my crush doesn’t ask me out?
What does it mean when you catch a guy sneaking looks at you when he thinks you’re not looking?
My wife emotionally cheated on me with a coworker but it kicked my confidence down.
How to know if your crush likes you?
Why are people wishing pregnancy on me?
How fooked am I?
As a guy would you be pissed if a girl you were interested in started showing interest after you decided to no longer be interested in them?
Men, why do you act different around the girl you’re interested in? Wouldn’t it be better to act the same?
I’m starting to understand why that news anchor Christine Chubbuck ended in on live tv
How to know if a shy guy likes you?
What’s with men not talking to the women they like?
To the men who told me to approach a guy after running away. How?
Why don’t guys talk to the girl they like?
Do guys not talk to girls they like?
Why do guys talk to girls but not the one they are interested in and only stare?
What makes a guy not approach a woman again? Would you try again?
Why does a guy talk to other girls and not the one he may be interested in? Yet you guys want a girl to approach first.
What makes a guy approach some girls in a public setting but not others? For example, at the gym?
Who's more attractive: Elizabeth Olsen vs Jennifer Lawrence
Are stretch marks on a woman a turn off for guys? If so, why?
Do guys stare at you even if they think you’re avoiding them?