Swollen Chapped Lips 💋
How do I remove this stuck shower head?
NYC Winter footwear
noob question: is this AI-generated? thoughts?
Best all around for walking
My friend made a ‘rape list’
People getting off planes in Hawaii immediately get a lei, If this same tradition applied to the Rhode Island, what would our state immediately give to visitors?
My opinion on Altra after 2 years
Shoes with a wide toe box
Jupiter DEX screener Error fetching route
How do I get my pocket operator to reproduce sound in my computer?
JW to require undergrads to live on campus for first three years
Do you think GPT-5 will be as big a leap from GPT-4 as GPT-4 was to 3?
What's the scariest thing you've ever seen or experienced in Rhode Island?
Most band's best work is at the beginning of their career. What group got better as they aged?
Nostalgic vibe
Please tell me what this is. Google Lens implies edible.
Just confronted my wife and told her to leave
Just pulled this off my leg
Pro cameraman immediately locks onto eye candy Elise Stefanik.
God doesn't hate magic
I saw my husband and my sister naked in my kitchen
Busco un plomero con licencia.
Mental health de-escalation hotline.
Over 2 years of daily wear. Freshly maintained for Fall.