Welder Engineer
Hot Potato
optional update just messed up my textures, thanks bugcell :/
There is something in Portia's smile that worries me greatly.
Could someone help me with this Naughty Bear Cosplay? I need to get his textured from dead by daylight and as a flat version so I can then pattern it and such.
since 2v8 now requires killers to pick up survivors, does this meannthe other killer could do a flashlight bodyblock
How did bro know???😭😭
Can’t wait for fnaf honestly, here’s a couple ideas for skins
Official Dead by Daylight Developer AMA
Oh lord have mercy on all of us if it is… “The Crawler”.
What every single character in DBD would do if they found an iPad in the realm
I Haven't Gone Up Against A Single Naughty Bear As Survivor.
Fun fact: Trapper's mori is the only one left in the game with collision for some reason
Why I believe this evo is Tesla
All the matches for the next few weeks
What new characters would you like to see in the game?
Pixel Art
What other “impossible” killers do you want to see in Dead by Daylight now?
What are your pipe dream licenses? Licenses you'd put in the game if you could put anything you want
How would I create this entire suit of Nauughty Bear? Specifically from his dead by daylight iteration?
Get deflufficated moron.
When is Naughty Bear coming to the store.
Um guys…
Most used killers from August 25th to September 25th.