Two rats
Nervous for lvjy1…
I need more…
Warszawa 🗣‼️
When the planes bouta crash💥
wilbur fanarts that were part of the portfolio that got me accepted into illustration school this week :3
rough perfume cover, thoughts?
Idk what I made....
The bus is late :(
I made an account for this. question for wilbur
Has LVJY inspired you to play an instrument?
William's guitar tone
wilbur was on roblox !?
Idk 😓
I Played Normal People Things In My School
graphic design is my passion 🐸
I’ll look good when im sober!
A thing part?? Forgot
I beg someone helps.
The best photo of Wilbur (taken by me obv)
If you were in Mcc who would you be similar too? And what place would you place?
What’s happening? Is there a band in town?