What's a controversial Traitors opinion that you'll defend with your life?
The Traitors AUS Season 2 Cast Ranking
Say who you are talking about without saying who you are talking about....
Have they made the fastest runner up times up?
Traitors Tier list on likeability (my opinion)
Top 5 S3 Contestants?
Every UK traitor ranked
The opening credits for next weeks show?
Why didn’t they include _____
Technically ____ should’ve won
Every UKS3 contestant ranked
______’s acting 😂😂
My Ultimate (Chaotic) Traitors Cast
Last night (Friday) Uncloaked
Here's the round table voting record up to S3E9, enjoy!
The Traitors (UK) S03E09: Post-Episode Discussion Thread
"I've never had a shield"
Freddie should’ve always had the shield
Eliminations for next week
Season 4 change
…. Just said on Uncloacked Lisa and Linda went
Traitors to win?!
Recruitment picks