I truly could not give a fuck less about TikTok shutting down
Feeling very anxious..
Wanting to go back on T but nervous
People on injections: Is it really that bad?
AITA for insulting the food my wife made, despite not knowing she made it?
AITA for refusing to let my stepdaughter live with us
professor thinks people won’t take me seriously if I crochet in a professional setting
Why do women's spaces skew negative?
AITA for telling my son it’s not my fault that he fucked up and he can’t blame me.
Unless you’re a girl there is absolutely no point in posting in this sub or replying to anyone else’s posts.
Those who went on T after puberty...
Sick Kids & Creepy "Rules" for Minors
18F, tell me some unpopular opinion you have
r/askgaybros kinda highkey transphobic??
MtF only trans spaces.
i feel ftms think theyre better than mtfs
Should i warn a trans pharmacy tech about the transphobic pharmacist
Am I a Transmed for thinking this? Help!
Trans people nicer to me after realizing I was also trans
Genuine question to trans people, what do you do for a living?
What do you think when someone says The Sims isn’t a real game?
AITA for not giving my stepdad's family a prominent place or role in my wedding?
AITA for walking out of a restaurant on my GF?
I’m sure y’all are probably tired of this question… but is this mold?