Screen is completely white when joining a game.
This game is disgustingly biased for rapids
Remember, it doesn't matter how much you want to play honestly, there will always be someone who just wants to being unfair taking away even the last bit of fun this game gives you.
I hope they get touched
Why does AFO's Voice and Dialogue feel off?
Hate the AFO nerf
Thank you everyone for the tips
Strike Dabi is genuinely unbearable
Is the ai this good at trolling?
Dear MyHeroUltraRumble subreddit
This game and its god-forsaken bugs
Screw anyone who abuses the permeation Toga thing
How do I get the new catastrophe?
can we talk about twice clones?
Now that I’ve played against him regularly…
When does maintenance end, I’m a casual player but I wanna put time into this game, I only have 2 days off
When exactly does the new season drop?
Man, fuck Shoto
Risking my life just for my teammates to leave
What do we call "lvl 1 Deku"
Sometimes I can't tell the difference between bugs and cheating
Late game Cementoss.
Why can't people just get their own chests