Why did they both Felix's redemption arc so hard?
How do you deal with career burnout?
Anybody else always getting consistent bad luck?
Is the Chainsaw Man church good or bad?
Which niche characters can I cosplay as?
Niche cosplay ideas for a Black male?
If you move here, please care about the city.
Eat em up
Time for a fucking career change?
Everyone's second best moment from the show?
What's everyone's take on Meetup.com group meetups?
Why do I fucking hate my career?
Everyone's all time favorite moment from the show?
Will taking FMLA/Short Term Disability ruin my life?
I put in my 2 weeks notice. How do I fix this terrible mistake?
Alternative careers to accounting?
Niche characters to cosplay?
Everyone's favorite all time moment from the show?
Which your favorite skit from Terror Tales of the Park special?
Why didn't Chat take some rings here?
RNG hurt me so bad this Sunday