Why do zombies always go for the stomach when the victim is dead or injured?
What is this?
Which game proves that graphics aren't everything?
How to make necromancers not appear evil?
What do I put behind my desk in my office?
Make the comments into Amenadiel's search history
Am I the only one that hates the phrase "please and thank you"?
Can someone explain those words to me? Like "shit-eating grin"?
Hey, I'm looking for DnD songs *not background music, DnD themed songs* Any recommendations?
First time DM, 2014 or 2024 edition?
GF crocheted me a Babybel dice holder/pouch (includes cheese dice!) [OC]
D&d anyone?
You DO NOT have to wait 24 hours to report a missing person, FYI.
Name one character you think deserved better. I’ll go first👀
Type “I hate __ because __ “and let autocomplete fill in the blanks
What instantly ruins a sandwich?
If you could add a third eye to the twins, what would it be and what would it do
Some thoughts on open-endedness in solo roleplaying
I merged a bunch of cells top to bottom, I only want to unmerge one
The ending (opinions)
help me get idea for my year book