I’ve reached P100 nurse
Me using Shoulder the Burden perk to my Teammate so I can do gens in peace.
Shoulder The Burden
8.4.0 | PTB Patch Notes
Notice it’s not a „killer tweak“ it’s a „killer update“. Wake up guys he’s getting a rework!!!
Coolest perk names?
So with people using buffed Predator on Nurse, I'd like to remind you all of a little something
Let's Not Talk About How Often I Fall For This
Why do you main the killer you currently main?
Petition to remove all exclamation marks with a single click!
Nurse plays her own game tbh
Remove map offerings
My supercell account got hacked
I haven't played since 2019, what do I need to know?
Top 100 ladder gameplay
4.4%….What is my body fat percentage ACTUALLY?
Most useless support ever
Does anyone else feel like gems are kinda useless?
New evo bats event
What was the worst meta in your opinion?
Just beat my first Classic Challenge after a year of playing
No way they did us like this
Whats the craziest undergrdaute major you saw in a university?
Waitlisted from Phillips Exeter Academy... (And Choate)
Hypothesis: you're not going to Harvard unless you 95%+ knew the outcome before you even applied.