Booktok Podcasts that talk about the SJMU

I think I mostly need to vent about this, but also see if I’m alone here. I personally believe that if you’re starting a podcast that’s about books, specifically SJM books? The ABSOLUTE LEAST you should do is learn how to pronounce the words, or, idk, have a general idea of what happened in the books?? I get pulled out of it entirely hearing every other characters name/ location name get absolutely butchered, or when someone goes “and I think this happened? Maybe??” When it either never happened, or happened in a completely different way than explained.

Maybe it’s petty, but if you’re specifically talking about books…do it properly?? And I’m NOT talking about vocab words because those pronunciations vary on where you’re from. I’m talking about “vlag” instead of “valg” , the “yieldling” instead of the “yielding” , “dead trove” instead of “DREAD trove.” (I know this one’s technically ACOTAR) All things that are very specific to the SJM world.