Losing Almost Every Match Since I Hit Diamond 1
About 11 days ago I reached Diamond 1. Was really proud of it.
Not anymore. Not only did people tell me that it's not an accomplishment because "Diamond is like Silver in this game because it's so easy to rank up" and stuff like that...
Once I got to Diamond 1, literally right as soon as I got there, the quality of my matches instantly went down far. I started losing the vast majority of my matches, losing over and over and over, many times in a row. I'd quit and get on the next day and keep losing.
I dropped all the way down to Plat 1, then I had to climb back up to Diamond 3 and now I'm incapable of even getting back to Diamond 2.
I recently dropped back down to Plat 1, second time now, and now I can't even get back to Diamond 3, just losing over and over and over. I even swapped back over to QP and I'm losing the vast majority of matches there too.
I don't know what's going on. I'm not playing worse I don't think, nothing's really changed. It honestly feels like some switch was flipped as soon as I got to Diamond 1 and the game is just consistency putting me against significantly higher skilled players that I have no chance in hell to beat.
These losses are all stomps, and almost 100% of them are HARD stomps. Like BAD. Some so bad that we only end up touching the objective about 2 times. On my way to Diamond 1 I had several really close matches, but those no longer exist anymore. Stomps are all I get now, mostly against me.
I know you're not supposed to blame your teams and look at what you yourself are doing, and I know I make some mistakes, but the teams I get in these matches are bad. I'm sorry but they are legitimately awful and I have no idea how they got to Diamond or Plat playing like that.
Tanks running in to 1v6 and yelling about no heals and then swapping to Punisher to throw.
Supports that tunnel vision like crazy and if you are behind or beside them and using "I need heals" you do not exist. They will literally never turn around.
Punishers going 4-11 and just inting like crazy.
Teammates blaming each other and spending more time arguing than playing, and sometimes just flat out start throwing on purpose.
Nobody coordinates, ever, not once. They're all playing lone wolf, trickling in, running off to do whatever. There is zero teamwork, and it's not possible to get them to do so.
No matter what I swap to, no matter what strategy I try, no matter how I try to rally my team, asking what we should swap to or try or what I should do, nothing changes. These matches are quite literally impossible to win no matter what I do. I honestly feel like if I was twice as good I still wouldn't win these matches.
It's driving me insane. I just wanted to get to GM and then stop but it looks like it's completely impossible, I'll never get there, and I fear if I keep playing I'm going to drop all the way back down to GOLD.
I don't understand what's happening.
This is what my history has looked like for the past like 10 days. Every win is a hard stomp, every loss is a hard stomp. I mostly play support, but will fill with tank or dps if I have to.
It won't let me go back that far, but if I were to get a screenshot of my history when I was climbing to Diamond 1, it would look like the polar opposite of this one.