As a Rocket main, I'm done with the toxicity

I have a real hard time wanting to continue to play when people are so quick to flame anyone who isn't playing Luna/Mantis/IW/CD. If the team isn't steamrolling someone will inevitably start complaining about Rocket. Every time, at least since high gold and up.

I'm not even one of these fully committed OTP players, I have the same winrate (60%) with Mantis and will play her or Luna situationally, but I generally prefer Rocket's resilience against diving and I'm not going to be pushed off my hero pick just because every mid DPS player looking for something to blame decides that it's a push ult to win problem. Occasionally I might humor these people if it's a situation where I don't mind, but you're out of your gourd if you think bullying Rocket into switching to Luna vs a 3 diver enemy team you haven't been peeling is going to get you a W.

I'm not going to enjoy my time less to make you happy. I'm just going to play something else. Have fun.