Went no contact and parents sent this card over the holidays. Would love any second opinions

I got a card over the holidays, took a picture of the inside and then threw it away. I was recently going through my photos and actually read what the card said. Part of me feels like it's fairly mature considering I spent my entire childhood as the black sheep and decided to go no contact after I realized being around my family caused me so much anxiety that my skin became sensitive to the touch....but I also don't know if it they ever would change, even if a therapist was involved. Message included below:

Hello there,

I hope this card finds you doing well. I think about you often but its really hard for me to not reach out at Christmas. You can throw this away or act like I never sent it but the bottom line is that I will always love you, care about you and miss you. It's not a choice for me and Dad and you know I don't believe in the not speaking stuff, nothing can change that. I will alway be here find if you ever a way to communicate the issues you are having with me and I am not against a therapist getting involved. Please have Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year.

Love Mom & Dad