My dad pruned my dypsis lutescens

I need some help. My dad randomly pruned my dypsis lutescens without my permission. It had some dark leaves and such. Common issue with a palm when keeping it indoors and was on it to fix it myself. But he randomly cut like 3/4 of the palm and mid stem. So like you can see on the picture, you have just some stems with no leaves.

I don't know what to do now and if it's going to survive. I had this one for some months without big issues. Anyone got some idea if it is going to survive or if I have to fix something cause of the way he did it? Kinda want to do what I normally do with other plants, and that is cut the stem at the base but I don't know if that is a good plan right now.

You see 3 pictures, one how it looked when I got it (looked prior today mostly the same but with some black leaves) and the others how it is now.

Thanks already!