My boyfriend is a loser
He’s 27 and have already retired due to his ADHD so he gets a small amount of money from the government. He literally does the same things every day. Eat, sleep, goes to the gym, game, watch tv. He rarely sees his friends. And he posts really cringe videos on TikTok and he thinks people care about the videos. He’s anti education cuz he thinks it’s a scam, he’s interested in politics but when he talks about it he just sounds brainwashed and naive. I’m tired of treating him like a child. He literally gets offended when I make jokes and he doesn’t understand sarcasm, which is my type of jokes. He hates that I am currently studying at university because I’m “wasting my time”. I’m literally getting promoted after I finish university. I feel like we don’t match each other at all. We want completely different things in life. But I don’t want to break up cuz I really love him but I feel stuck.
I just wanted to rant lol
EDIT: The reason I love his is because he’s one of few people who is AMAZING at showing how much he loves and appreciates me. Gives me compliments all the time and is just overall very affectionate towards me.
And no he’s not bullshitting me when he says he gets money from the government due to his ADHD. It’s real, I’ve seen the documents and stuff. (It’s a liveable amount of money, like working full time at Mac Donald’s) But I feel like it’s an excuse to be lazy and not work. But he labels it as “anti establishment” because he’s basically scamming the government for money. I know he would be able to work a normal job like anyone else he just wants to be rebellious ig.
EDIT again: There is a lot of confusion about his retirement. He was able to “retire” right after high school because he was offered it.
ONE MORE EDIT: I just want to make it clear that this was a rant. I don’t think my boyfriend is a real loser he’s just naive when it comes to his way of living. I respect and love him. Like I said I just wanted to rant…